Monday, September 6, 2010

topics for task 1

I've thought up a few ideas for task one, and I think I've found one. Growing up, my mother tryied to put me up for adoption when I was born. For reasons that I do not know, she couldn't take care of a child. I also came to find out that I have 2 more brothers and a little sister, all of them put up for adoption. I couldn't even tell you their names, cause I have no idea. Meeting her for the first time was kinda depressing. That I was just a problem to her. Even with this experiance, I can talk to people with certain family problems and connect with them, knowing how they feel.

This isn't something that I'd write about, but overall it has the most change in my life. Its kinda weird to even think about, and put it on paper. This "project" will be nice to vent out, and I will not need any help on this. My only problem with writing is that I tend to jump around the page. I will be working on making my papers more clear and to the point.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scotty,

    I can see why you would like to vent! :) I'd encourage you, if you are interested, to write about the meeting with your birth mother. You may choose to discuss why you were adopted, where the meeting took place, what was said, how your relationship is now with your mother.

    Don't worry about jumping around on the page. As you begin this writing assignment, you may feel like you are venting so to speak, but the overall conclusion of this assignment is what you have learned (e.g. who are you now, how has this affected you).

    Ms. Chastain
