Friday, September 10, 2010

How it feels to be colored me

The book really makes you think... What do you think of yourself? How do others think of you? What does your family or friends think of you? Everyone would like to think good of themselves but maybe thats not how others see it. I've been labeled alot of things and I only accept half of the comments. I've been called goth and emo because of the clothes I wear and the music I listen to. In a way I see their points, but that term isn't positive. They're telling me I'm anti social and I harm myself for fun. Yeahhh I really fit that describion now don't I. Just because you can't understand what the band is singing doesn't mean everyone else doesn't, others actually hear and can feel the emtions comeing from their songs.
Another term I've labeled and I do agree with is a smartass. I have my points and I'm wrong from "time to time" but I dont like being pointed out just to look like a dumbass, and I will come back with remarks that you won't want to hear from a student.
Labels are honestly useless. Aren't we all human? Don't we all have to breathe? Everyone has more alike than they know and if they'd take that time to see it then fighting and war wouldn't be a problem. Yes you would have your conflicts but nothing much would result from it or any harm done. Everyones trying to compite with each other to make them better, but isn't that just tearing us apart in the long run? It doesn't matter what color, or what nation, or what religion, we all are the same. One person who truely got this was Bob Marley. If you listened to his words and what the true meanings where, they'd tell you to love everyone, theres no need for harm.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scotty,

    You write,

    "I've been labeled alot of things and I only accept half of the comments. I've been called goth and emo because of the clothes I wear and the music I listen to. In a way I see their points, but that term isn't positive. They're telling me I'm anti social and I harm myself for fun."

    Unfortunately for some individuals they perceive us as being how we may carry ourselves including the way we dress or how we act and this may or may not be true. It doesn't seem to be accurate in your case.

    How is the way you label yourself or the questions you raise similar or different to Hurston?

    MS. C
