Friday, September 24, 2010

Sister Flowers

Hum, I can remember a teacher who totaly turned my life around. Back in 4th grade, I was a horrible student. I literally did whatever I wanted. I never did any homework and I failed most of my classes. If she gave me a paper to sign for my parents because I didn't do the homework, I would forge my parents names. I wouldn't even participate in class because I just didn't care about school. My teacher Miss Weedle sat me down and we talked. She told me I had to change my ways or I wouldn't get anywhere in life. After that I finally started doing homework and I got alot better in class. I tested out of reading in the college level thanks to her insperation. My senior year of high school I wrote her a thank you letter for helping me out so much in school to make me the person I am today. Without her I probibly wouldn't even be in college right now.

1 comment:

  1. HI Scotty,

    Thank you for sharing. I am grateful for this teacher. It is like those teachers who stand out in our minds who influenced our life in some small way. Their actions remain with us to the day we die.

    Ms. C
